
The basic aerobatic manual

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Découvrez en détails notre article The basic aerobatic manual

Ce manuel explique et illustre 26 manœuvres de voltige et couvre les sujets suivants :

* Introduction to Aerobatic Flight : Federal Aviation Regulations, Physical Condition, Acceleration Forces
* Preparatory Manuevers : Stalls, Steep Power Turns, The Chandelle, The Wingover, The Lazy Eight
* Spins : A General Review, Mechanics of the Spin, Spinning the Aerobat
* basic Aerobatic Maneuvers : The Three Fundamentals, The Aileron Roll, The Loop, The Snap Roll , Loop-Roll Combinations
* Loops followed by Aileron Rolls : The Cloverleaf, The Cuban Eight, The Immelmann, The Coordination Exercise, Spins and Combinations
* More Variations and Combinations : The Barrel Roll, The Snap at the Top of a Loop, The Reverse Cuban Eight, Hesitation Rolls, The Reverse Cloverleaf
* Recoveries from Unusual Attitudes : Wake Turbulence, Hoodwork